On Mar 18, 2024Prof.B K Raghu Prasad, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,India wrote:
Yes it is true that he was not only a great academic ,but also a highly spiritually evolved person.I also work in the area of concrete structures and have followed his book.In 2011 when I was in California he was kind enough to take me to the Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama .We met the great Swami Prabuddhananda,the then President of the Ashrama .Now also I thought of him to visit the Ashrama as I am now presently in California,Foster City .But alas,I came to know he is no more alive.Even Swami Prabuddhananda is also no more.
On Mar 18, 2024 Prof.B K Raghu Prasad, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore,India wrote: