I appreciate the comment from Jim Scott about 'developing critical faculties in wise and insightful ways'. I believe we have to begin with ourselves and realize the fantasy worlds that we live within -- waking up to the supercommercialism, the lack of inner peace one sees as we look at others and often when we look in mirrors, the whole containing milieu of human cultural attitudes and beliefs that render the human species unintelligent and un-enabled, and which Paul Hawken is calling us to comprehend in its entirety.
On Aug 18, 2009 Malcolm Parlett wrote:
I appreciate the comment from Jim Scott about 'developing critical faculties in wise and insightful ways'. I believe we have to begin with ourselves and realize the fantasy worlds that we live within -- waking up to the supercommercialism, the lack of inner peace one sees as we look at others and often when we look in mirrors, the whole containing milieu of human cultural attitudes and beliefs that render the human species unintelligent and un-enabled, and which Paul Hawken is calling us to comprehend in its entirety.