I have been very fortunate to have met both Arun dada and Meera ba several times. These humble souls and their simplicity lifts you from inside - there is am amazing peace when you are around them. I remember this very special evening when Arun dada was at our home and after dinner he said, "since you fed me dinner, i have a gift for you" and he sang this incredibly beautiful bhajan that i still sing after 30 years and feel very happy here are the starting lyrics, " Na do to prabhu bhale na desho darshan tamara aa ne aa janme mara, milan haju nathi thayu tamaru ena bhankara rahe jo antar ma mara..." - Oh God it is ok if you don't come meet me in this lifetime but don't let me forget even for a moment of my wake and sleeping state that i stil have to meet you - and that i have to make myself worthy of meeting you - being with you
On Jun 8, 2015 Priyjan wrote: