Thank you Preeta for articulating this, and Nipun for your light.
I can read this article many times, over and over again, because you point to where I have felt despair, and now
understand,and am full of hope in the birth that can happen. I am in the Philippines, and yesterday, I was presenting to the President and Treasurer of our school, and in two slides, I pointed to a "gap". While we have a circle (mobius strip) our system becomes small triangles and large triangles throughout the day. After reading your article, I am so grateful. I feel, I cannot stop the triangles because they are necessary for creating order. But as long as we can come back to circle, on our deepest levels, growth will happen. Sometimes it is fast, and sometimes it is slow. We ripple in the Philippines with you, from you. Thank you !
On May 10, 2018 Ana wrote: