Thank you for sharing this reflection. As CharityFocus grows it is important that the intentionality of its work and reason for being is consistently reflected upon and discussed. How exciting to hear about a conversation to reflect deeper about what makes CharityFocus what it is. I also am thankful that you are honest about how people are engaged in all ways ("Personal Journey") - it is critical that people understand that everyone enters into being the change in different ways and that this is ok. I respect the "doggedness" to remain true to the principles of CharityFocus and the action to go deeper into the implications and possibilities it offers the world. Hooray for doing "the work" that manifests being the change.
One observation I will offer is that in the current trend of talking about "being the change" there is often an implicit assumption that people are talking about positive social change for everyone. I do not think that is always the case. My experience is that there are many people (e.g. Bush, Cheney, Musharaff, anti-immigrant Minutemen, etc…) who cloak their words in social justice/positive social change vocabulary who do believe what they are saying…but just not for everyone. In my work as a scholar and practitioner I believe it is necessary to be explicit—not in an "in your face" sort of way—but a—"let's be clear where I am coming from and where you are coming from" sort of way. What this requires of me is that (1) I am honest with myself about how my own "baggage" and lack of compassion bounds me from my own liberation…and I think we both believe that one another's liberation is tied to each other—so if I am not free, neither is another; and (2) that I "do the work" that allows me to be the change in an authentic and continually growing manner…ya know, in a "before enlightenment chop wood, carry water; after enlightenment chop wood, carry water" sort of way. I guess what I am trying to say is that I think it is incumbent upon us not to assume we all mean the same kind of change and we need to understand what kind of change people are actually talking about and working for so that there is a level of accountability to the coherency between stated values and daily action.
Thanks again for sharing the reflection and Peace to all. Have a great new year, each day!
On Dec 28, 2007 Raquel Gutierrez wrote: