This Message We Received From The ...
--Preeta Bansal
2 minute read
May 12, 2017


This message we received from the mother of a teenage daughter contains a beautiful and powerful ripple from last fall's Awakin Call with Jeannie Kahwajy -- the edited transcript of which recently ran in Daily Good:

"Read your interview with Daily Good on “Catching Everything as Help”, and loved it. It resonated deeply with me, and I found myself wishing for an example of how to be this way with teenage daughters. Later that night… on my way home from work my 18 yr old daughter sends me very angry texts which escalated and triggered anger in me. This night could have gone frighteningly wrong.Instead, I channeled Jeannie's mantras, and decided to find out what was really going on. She tried to get me to fight with her. My feet wanted to run. I stayed, and asked, and listened. She opened up about the perfect storm of a horrible day she had, cried, ate some food I brought up to her. Her heart heard my heart. The night ended with her asking me to lay down with her till she fell asleep. That hasn’t happened in two years.You might suspect that this kid isn’t the easiest to parent! When the smoke cleared, I reflected on what had happened, although I was exhausted, I felt like I had acquired a new super power.I had put my own anger and feelings of being treated so unfairly aside, and chose to be loving and curious instead.Thank you so much for teaching this eternal lesson in words that hit chords in me. The timing could not have been more perfect. I use what I learned every day now. With Profound Gratitude...  "  


Posted by Preeta Bansal on May 12, 2017