21 Days Of Gratitude At Aravind!
--Devendra Tayade
Apr 2, 2018


A few months back, Chandni gifted me a journal on "21 Days of Gratitude". And recently, in an online conversation on Healing + Transformation, Priya mentioned research on the Happiness Advantage, which talks about the power of a gratitude practice.

It got me thinking, that it could be great to engage a 21-day Gratitude Challenge with physicians and staff at the eye hospital where I work.

With the support of KindSpring volunteers, I shared the online version of the gratitude challenge with our design team, and they crafted this incredible workbook below! The drawings themselves are from a remarkable artist with extraordinary pin-hole vision. :)

Lots to be grateful for! :)


Posted by Devendra Tayade on Apr 2, 2018

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