A Simple Feeling That Could Not Be Reversed
--David Griswold
2 minute read
Apr 3, 2020


As is so often the case, I found myself feeling lifted after hearing everyone speak on Tuesday's "What Would Love Do" call. I have definitely been filled of late with the sense that something entirely new is emerging right now, and while I don't doubt there will be shocks and pains in the process, I am believing more and more that our collective intentions and consciousness will all feed into the shaping of what awaits us in the "after" phase of all this. If anything, now may truly be the time when all the invisible seeds sown around this ecosystem are primed to sprout :)

The call definitely had me thinking more deeply about a children's book that I had drafted many months back, which touched on messages around hope and interconnectedness that feel more relevant now than ever before. I'd love to make it available in a way that is more along the lines of the "unticket" model that David from Costa Rica talked about. I want to try to fold in acts of kindness into our outreach and as an option for those who don't feel they can contribute financially but can engage in other "forms of wealth". Interestingly, found myself feeling simultaneously less attached and more energized coming out of the call on Tuesday. :)

Also, I had been thinking of sharing this towards the end of the circle, but was called off to my daddy duties before a moment presented itself :) These lines from the children's story were running through my mind as I heard folks sharing, and I thought I'd pass them along:

And for a moment,
the whole world paused...

until, without direction,

a squeeze was passed
from hand to paw
completing their connection.

In all who felt it
something grew
a thing not big at first.

A simple feeling
all were one
that could not be reversed.


Thank you all, for the inspiration and collective possibilities! Look forward to engaging in further convos and happenings with all of you!

Posted by David Griswold on Apr 3, 2020

1 Past Reflections