I'm the minister of a church in Ventura California. Like most churches, we are currently live-streaming our services and posting on YouTube. The government mandate says we can only have 7 people in our large sanctuary on Sundays and that is pretty strange!!
Two congregants, Brian and Shelly have a company called All Blown Up. They make life size cut outs of "stand-ins" for people. Shelly was also the subject of an Awakin Call. With Annette, our Office Manager's help, they created life size images of some of my favorite spiritual teachers and placed them in our choir area: Moses, Jesus, Ganesh, Krishna, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Mr Rogers, Richard Rohr, Yoda, etc.... And one of my favorites - Nipun Mehta, in the front row, between Martin Luther King and Joni Mitchell. It was a great way to ripple loving kindness into the community and beyond. ServiceSpace has had such a profound influence on our community -- so I wanted to share. Love to all - Bonnie
Posted by Bonnie Rose on Apr 19, 2020
On Apr 19, 2020 Nipun Mehta wrote:
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