Making Friends During A Pandemic
--Bonnie Rose
2 minute read
Jul 10, 2020


Dear SSp Friends, This was from my friend Jen and I had to share it. Picture of her dog too, just for fun. :)

I have to tell you a little story...
With Spencer recently moving down here after being away for several years, and most of his friends having moved away, he has been looking to make new friends. Covid has made it a little tricky, but he managed to make a few friends while out rock climbing and they go out together to climb outdoors a few days a week.

He asked me if I knew any other ways to meet people, while also staying safe. The only thing I could think to say was, "Be kind. Kind people attract other kind people." A few days later I saw him writing in the 21-Day Kindness book (from Service Space) that I stuck in his stocking at Christmas. He told me that he shared with his new rock climbing friends that he was doing a 21-Day Kindness Challenge, and they thought it was so cool that THEY WANTED TO DO IT WITH HIM.

They are currently on day 5, and they have a group chat going, where they share the kind things they did that day with one another.
So far he has: surprised Greg and I by baking muffins, wrote a hand written card to our grumpy postal worker, bought The Giving Tree to give to Aunt Kathy, and reached out to an old friend that he hasn't spoken to in years.

He said the other friends' kindnesses are super cool too.
I cried when he told me (shocker), and am just so happy he is making friends amidst pandemic challenges. He'd probably blush that I'm telling you, but I can't help myself.



Posted by Bonnie Rose on Jul 10, 2020

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