Clare Dubois is the founder of, a women’s crowd-funding and consciousness-shift campaign to inspire women towards the reforestation of the tropics and shared leadership around ecological restoration. TreeSisters reflects Clare’s exploration of the links between feminine consciousness and Nature’s intelligence. It is currently funding over 1.7 million trees across Kenya, Madagascar, India, Brazil, Cameroon and Nepal. Clare founded TreeSisters after a car crash that delivered a life changing message – it was revealed to her that the tropics needed to be reforested within 10 years – that women were the missing piece in the climate change crisis – and that feminine consciousness needed to be reinstated. Her primary work is in the creation of processes, tools, courses, and messaging that can access the nature-connected essence of woman and activate new forms of leadership.
Some of the nuggets that stood out from the call:
- Deep learnings from a car-crash Clare was in: What I was taught in the car crash was that women have to remember who and what they are, and feminine consciousness has to be reinstated. Women are the womb carriers. What does that mean? Women's bodies aren't linear. We are not designed for patriarchal culture. We are designed for a cyclical culture. We are designed for a humanity that rises and falls with the seasons, that rises and falls with the tide, which means we don't take all year around. We understand growing seasons; we understand fallow phases; we understand that you can take now, but you have to give back then, or you have to allow things to rest.
- On the cyclical nature of the feminine: The feminine intelligence is equally cyclical because our hormones change throughout the months. We have all four of nature seasons happen every month, but nobody wants to talk about the fact that menstruality or a woman's womb is the source of her intelligence and her ability to understand her unique capacity as they change through the month. So we have suppressed that and we've become linear just like everything else, where [as] women, we've been taught to be men essentially but just doing women's roles, mothering, tending, not deeply listening to the cycle of life and bringing through what I call the Nature-based feminine consciousness that can bring solutions that are life-based, and a more balanced feminine nature.
- On the sacred geometry of Tree Sisters: We're actually, the whole organization is built out of the wisdom of five-element acupuncture. It's all built on an, on a natural flow of energy that is a balance of yin and yang, of masculine and feminine, and the inner journey is a journey to bring you right back into the feminine principle and so that your masculine arises out of the connected feminine,
- On the right relationship between the masculine and the feminine: That's the right relationship between the masculine and the feminine. We feel, therefore we know what to do. If the feeling side of our nature is down we can burn our planet out. If we feel our indivisibility, we will act in accordance -- that's the reinstated feminine consciousness.
- On men's role in the rise of the sacred feminine: Tree Sisters is not about, it's not an anti-men thing, it's not a "men are crap" thing, you know. What I tried to say earlier was, we have all inherited the consciousness that we're sitting in. We have all inherited the worldview that we're sitting in, that happens to be patriarchal, that happens to have been a worldview that has suppressed women and the feminine and nature. It's a phase that we've been in, all of us, and all of us have our relationship to it, and all of us are going to have to shift it -- like that's just reality.
Lots of gratitude to all the behind-the-scenes volunteers that made this call happen!
On Jul 17, 2018 Nisha Srinivasan wrote:
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