Poetry About The Spiritual Pursuit Of Learning
--Poonam Singh
2 minute read
Sep 10, 2018


I shared this poem I wrote to a new friend who held what I shared so lovingly, and encouraged me to share. This summer I had a love affair with Rabrindhra Tagore's writings and poetry. One evening I wrote this poem to help me capture my vision for learning & education and synthesize so many of the themes I learned through his work. This poem helped me capture the magic I imagine true education to be about. Thank you for reading :)

I believe in a spiritual world.

We are born into a world where we are already in harmony with it.

Children are lovers of stardust.
They thirst for sunlight as flowers do.
It is where instinct is born.
In trees.
In nature.
Where the sunset and sunrise and the silent glory of the stars are not ignored.

The teacher and student are both in study of the eternal life.
They eat food together.
They learn together.
Together in harmony.

Life is not a straight line.
With easy causation.
It is not a blank stare.
It is not a straight wall.
It is not benches in a row.
It is not sequenced and compartmentalized and blocked off.

It is complete.
It is whole.
Children are in love with life, and it is their first love.
They reach for mothers milk.
They find food and their mother at the same time.
Mother’s milk is complete nourishment for the body and soul.
It is the first introduction to the great truth.

Our relationship with the world is simply that.

It is simply love.


Posted by Poonam Singh on Sep 10, 2018