Consistently And Steadily You Can Go A Long Way...just
--Joao Perre
2 minute read
Dec 21, 2018


We often hear that we can learn much from nature.

What exactly can we learn?

Let me tell you a story, related with movement, change and awe.

Already for many years, I try to look at the sunrise and sunset everyday. This unique “hobby” of mine is probably one of the longest ongoing “dialogues” of my life. Every morning and every evening something remarkable happens. unfortunately we are often too busy to notice.

In this phenomena,
change occurs in a very discrete pace, consistently and steadily. You either gain or lose, depending where you are, around 2 minutes of light, every day.

For us, living in the Northern Hemisphere, the December solstice marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Meanwhile, the Southern Hemisphere has its longest day and shortest night.

Try to imagine how our planet moves, gaining momentum in a perpetual movement, cycle after cycle and year after year.

One minute in the morning and one minute in the evening, consistently and steadily, until it reaches a tipping point. Once you enter such flow, you always move, and you move forward.

Stop for a moment and think about yourself !
Where are you heading with your life? Are you closing a cycle? Opening a new one? Are you moving at all?

During the Walking Mentorship programs one of central questions is related with our (in)capacity to keep the change we seek to happen in our life. Specially after you experienced a moment of clarity.

This is described as a brief timeframe where the entire implications of your life — long term, short term, emotional, physical, and mental implications — suddenly become crystal clear. We all aim to keep that vision alive and tangible.

What did I exactly learn from nature by observing the sun everyday ?
Dedicate few minutes a day to sitting down somewhere comfortable and free of distractions. Try to picture yourself moving towards your goals, little by little, everyday. It doesn’t really matter what happens around you during this time. Be there for yourself, fully present!

Like any skill, you will get better at this over time. Make sure you can feel, smell, taste, see, and hear everything in your mind. Make it as real as possible. It will be at that (tipping) point that your brain will start interpreting your visualisations as a possibility.

Your “personal solstice” begins to take shape every moment you dare to connect the dots between who you are today and who you want to be in the future.

Consistently and steadily you can go a long way.

Don’t forget, the end is always the begging of something new and 2019 is just around the corner.

Have a wonderful solstice,

João Perre Viana


Posted by Joao Perre on Dec 21, 2018

2 Past Reflections