[At our last retreat last month, with Jin Wei and Nipun, one of the first-time participants shared a candid reflection to the tune of, "I've been meditating for 20 years, but to be honest, I've never been to a retreat like this. I'm not sure what will come out of it." A few hours after returning home, she sent along this thoughtful reflection.]
Dear Trishna, Just a quick note to, again, say thank you for hosting the recent retreat at your lovely home. It has taken me some time to fully digest and appreciate what the event was truly about, and the energetic uplift it has left behind. It’s such a fantastic idea -- and now I can see it more clearly -- to have so many spiritual seekers to just sit down together for a day and share what they needed to share, from the heart. Even if we never meet again, attending this event would have been a hugely beneficial experience for me, one that will, no doubt, ripple out in unexpected ways.
One other thing I’d like add (and I hope it doesn’t sound strange) is that I really enjoyed the energy of your home, or maybe it was Nipun, or Jin Wei, or yourself, or everyone gathered there, sharing what in the Forest Tradition we call Metta, an all-enveloping benevolence, a sort of heart-energy, a good will that I felt was emanating from somewhere to the point it was actually palpable. I found it was particularly strong during the quiet sittings and when you played the song offerings. That was the imprint I was getting anyway, and I’m not an aura reader or anyone like that all. It's just that that was my experience and I thought I'd share it. :) So, thank you Trishna, and, please count me in for the next Awakin Circle meet-up, if such should happen in the near or distant future. All the very best,
Posted by Trishna Shah on Jul 12, 2019