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January 09 2021

Kindful Kids Weekly

Quote of the Week

"Be where you are. Otherwise you will miss your life." -Buddha

Six Simple Ways To Be A More Present Parent

Often in the midst of parenting challenges, we may dream about when a particular phase will be over or even just a specific episode. While other folks may tell us to savor this time because it all goes by too quickly, we might think "I just want to get through this day!"

In this week's featured article from Parents magazine, author Vicki Glembocki shares simple tips for being a more mindful parent, "one baby step at a time". Some key steps? Notice when you are already being mindful and announce when you are not. Pause, breathe and respond with intention. Finally, pass the mindfulness on to your kids by practicing it with them using some of the ideas suggested here.

Reading Corner

Title: The Mindful Parent: How to stay sane, stay calm and stay connected to your kids
By: Shirley Pastiroff
Ages: Adult

"Is it even possible to stay sane, calm and connected in the chaos of parenting? Yes! Somewhere in our over-scheduled and frantic lives, we’ve lost our intuition around how to bring up kids. Our children come with all they need to flourish to their full potential, and yet we’ve accessorized the parent-child relationship beyond recognition, creating a world of stress for parents and kids. The Mindful Parent changes all that. It’s a timely and liberating journey back to the heart of what really matters — a deep and lasting relationship with our children. Its unique approach leads us to that deep connection by weaving together the latest in neuroscience, personal story and deceptively simple strategies that are so kind and effective it’s hard not to use them [...] It will be read with a huge sigh of relief, a new sense of joy and a realisation that the expertise to parent well is already deep within each one of us."  --Publishers

Recommended by Kindful Kids Editors

Be The Change

Try this mindfulness practice when faced with parenting challenges this week.  NAP is an apt acronym for this practice of noticing, allowing, and passing the emotions that arise. 

Kindful Kids newsletter is a resource for parents who are keen to teach children about compassion and service. It reaches 4,028 subscribers. You can unsubscribe here.


Kindful Kids was formed in the spring of 2011, to serve as a resource for parents who are keen to teach children about compassion and service. It is a project of ServiceSpace.


Meghna, Deven, Trishna, Neha and Brinda are currently volunteer editors for this newsletter. If you have any content recommendations for this newsletter, we would love to hear from you!

Book Club

Have you come across a book that kids or grown-ups might find inspiring? Please complete this simple form to share your recommendation with the Kindful Kids Community so we can add it to our growing Kindful Kids Book List!


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